Take me to Hollis and Michelle!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Friday morning, I send Hollis to the store to get milk. When he returned, he immediately called my name. "Michelle... you know what happens when you send your husband to the store to get milk and we're in Utah and it's the day before pioneer day?" I knew that he had purchased something besides milk, and I might have guessed it. Fireworks! He was so excited that they were sold right there in the grocery store. So he spent 2 dollars and purchased 24 fireworks. We set them off that night outside his parent's condo. We had fun, and so a lady who also watched from her balcony.

1 comment:

Neoma said...

My favorite part was when Mom's neighbor yelled from her balcony, "Can you move back a bit? I can't see very well." And to think I was concerned that the "adult condo" residents would have a problem with some young hooligans lighting off fireworks in their parking lot.